heaven - What He Said: The Words of Jesus Christ http://whathesaid.com Making the words of Jesus Christ easy to read and explore Tue, 19 Jul 2011 15:06:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 Tuesday Smorgasbord http://whathesaid.com/2011/07/19/tuesday-smorgasbord/ http://whathesaid.com/2011/07/19/tuesday-smorgasbord/#respond Tue, 19 Jul 2011 14:58:15 +0000 https://whathesaid.com/?p=970 There were a bunch of items in the news today that caught my eye, so rather than make a decision, I’m presenting the variety pack: 1. Herman Cain, presidential candidate on the Republican side, believes that towns and communities should have the right to prevent the construction of mosques in their neighborhood. Very interesting. Would […]

The post Tuesday Smorgasbord first appeared on What He Said: The Words of Jesus Christ.

There were a bunch of items in the news today that caught my eye, so rather than make a decision, I’m presenting the variety pack:

1. Herman Cain, presidential candidate on the Republican side, believes that towns and communities should have the right to prevent the construction of mosques in their neighborhood. Very interesting. Would a Buddhist church be okay? How about an ashram? Or a center for white supremacists?

2. I’m a big believer in keeping your religion/faith to yourself, but Greg Stier wrote a piece in the Christian Post regarding “Bible believers are obsessed with converting people from their belief systems to Christianity. If they’re not they should be. Here are 3 reasons why:” And he lists them:

  • Jesus told us to. Stier uses Luke 24:47-49 as his reference, but I think there are clearer examples. Heck, Jesus is always out telling people to spread the word.
  • It’s good news. “Proseltyizing gives us a pedicure in a way we could never imagine because our feet are carrying good news to everyone we meet.”
  • It saves people from hell.

Personally, if I were starting a religion, I would include lots of orders to proseltyze in my manual and mandatory 2-year missions and any other such built-ins I could think of that would help grow and perpetuate my religion.

3. 74% of Americans believe in heaven and 60% believe in hell. Who goes where? Kim Lawton has a nice summary piece.

The post Tuesday Smorgasbord first appeared on What He Said: The Words of Jesus Christ.

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