Archive for July, 2011

Christian Flag Mystery

Friday, July 1st, 2011 by JEL

Last October I wrote a post about the Christian flag. I had never heard of such a flag and I ‘fessed up as such. Now, this blog is on the WordPress platform and when you go into the back-end, you can see all sorts of stats about how many people came to the blog, which pages they visited, and what search terms they used to find it.

Well, day after day, many people find us by searching for “christian flag.” Given that only one post out of a couple hundred dealt with the flag, I’ve been a bit mystified. So I went to Google and typed in “christian flag,” thinking I’d see our post pretty high in the search results.


I went through quite a few pages and never found us. So the mystery deepens. How are people interested in the Christian flag finding us, and why are they coming to a site that deals with our book and trying to set the message straight about Jesus’ teachings. If you have any info, pass it along in the comments.